A web browser is arguably the most important piece of software you use and you spend a lot of time online using it; when you do searches, send emails, read, chat, watch videos, buy stuff – most of the time you end up using your browser.

Microsoft ‘s Internet Explorer owns the lion’s share of the browser market, about 60%. Other favorites include:

Firefox: 24%
Google’s Chrome: 8%
Safari: 5%
Most of others (including Mozilla, Netscape, & Opera): 3%

Google, in 3rd place, has a goal to release a new stable version of their Chrome browser, designed to be fast, its browser window streamlined, every 6 weeks. Chrome also includes features designed for shortcuts, like searching and navigating from the same box.

Google’s always been pretty clever about shortcuts. If you type a song title and artist into the search box, a playable file shows up. Or if you put a mathematical calculation by entering an equation in the box the answer shows up at the top of the results page. Like movies? Type in “movies” and your zip code and the show times appear. You can also enter an airline and flight number to see if everything is on time, another pretty nice shortcut.

There are, of course, no shortcuts in life. But there are plenty in our imagination. And you know what they say about imagination -- possibilities become limitless. Kind of like technology!