LONDON: Staffing levels within ad, media, marcoms and digital agencies increased by 1,710 to 19,077 people last year, reports the IPA Agency Census 2007, a definitive survey of employment trends on the UK agency scene.

Published Thursday by the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, the survey attributes this year-on-year growth to a number of factors, among them:
  • A net increase of 9.2% in the employment of individuals within existing IPA agencies.

  • A net increase of three agencies into IPA membership in the twelve months to 1 September 2007.

  • The loss of some smaller agencies, replaced by larger agencies, resulting in a 21% growth in industry personnel.
Comments IPA director general Hamish Pringle: "It is great to see that overall employment figures are up, and that this is in part due to the election of new agencies into the IPA. But I am particularly pleased to see significant growth of personnel within our existing agencies of 9.2%."

To download the full IPA Agency Census click here.

Data sourced from IPA (UK); additional content by WARC staff