While there is no creative recipe that will ensure Super Bowl ad success, advertisers can understand the determining factors for successful activation for their campaigns, say two strategy leads at Mano. 

  • KPIs should be connected to business goals, and not the other way around (as is often the case).

  • A high ranking in the USA Today Ad Meter is not an indicator of real success – it’s only a means to the end of earned PR post-Big Game.
  • Share of voice and share of engagement are a powerful measure of Super Bowl campaign and brand success: some of the most effective ads spark engagement and a spike in consumer conversations, both online and offline. 

“There’s no magic formula to win the Super Bowl, because every brand should decide what their finishing line is and how it will help them grow,” say Ana Jiménez Núñez and Leander Sodji.

Top five performers at Super Bowl LIV according to SoV, SoE and Ad Meter

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Sourced from WARC