Echoing recent developments in New York, residents of Los Angeles may soon be able to buy a new paper with a focus on local events.

The plan has been hatched by multimillionaire Richard Riordan, a former mayor of the city, who has long criticised the Los Angeles Times for being too concerned with international events at the expense of those in LA.

Such accusations are not a million miles from those aimed at the New York Times by supporters of the New York Sun, a daily paper launched earlier this week focusing on local news [WAMN: 17-Apr-02].

Riordan wants to use his personal fortune to fund the launch of a new title for LA. Plans for the proposed paper envisage it hitting newsstands two to three times a week, with an initial length of 28 pages.

Although never a journalist himself, Riordan – who recently lost the race to become the Republican candidate for governor of California – plans to become editor-in-chief, in charge of a staff of about 40.

Data sourced from: BrandRepublic (UK); additional content by WARC staff