SYDNEY: New research has revealed that Australian mothers don't like being stereotyped by brands, with 63% of mums feeling that marketers don't understand them.

According to a survey of 1,800 Australian mothers, the biggest bugbears mothers have with brands is that they are treated as one homogenous group.

"Mums made it clear that brands which stereotype or are seen to pigeonhole mothers are considered unrelatable," said marketing consultant Katrina McCarter, who commissioned the research.

Speaking at ad:tech's recent Sydney event, she explained that "mums find it a clear turn-off. It makes it incredibly difficult for a marketer to attract them, let alone retain them as a customer". (For more details, read WARC's exclusive report: Marketing to Australia's Mothers.)

The research also found that testimonials are the number one influence on the purchase decisions of mothers, with a lack of third-party endorsements another of the top mistakes mums see brands making.

"We know that mums are information-seeking, so they're out asking their friends for recommendations," McCarter said.

"They're reading those reviews. You need to make sure that they're freely available and that you have the systems in your business where you're asking for testimonials as part of your sales process."

Brands should identify a niche audience, invest time into research and get to know that audience and its unique needs.

"Australian mums are incredibly powerful consumers who are responsible for purchasing a wide range of products and services, yet they're highly dissatisfied with the majority of marketing efforts aimed at them. By avoiding these mistakes, you're making the first step in stopping any money from leaking from your business," McCarter said.

Data sourced from WARC