Around 250,000 former customers of Northern Ireland's biggest-selling national daily, the Belfast Telegraph, are being contacted by phone and offered membership of the paper’s revamped loyalty programme, The Home Delivery Club.

Members receive special discounts at high street retailers including Index, Pizza Hut and Budget DIY. Deals with Marks & Spencer and Debenhams are also under negotiation.

Using database segmentation, the paper is targeting between thirty and forty specific market clusters, among them farmers and the business community. The new strategy aims to increase the number of high-spending ABC1 readers, currently some 50% of its database, and supersedes the Telegraph’s former scatter-gun approach to marketing its home delivery service. Says reader club executive Gary Johnston: "The Belfast Telegraph is changing focus and our loyalty scheme reflects this by targeting an upmarket readership".

Future plans for the scheme involve issuing swipe cards to members, enabling them to accrue loyalty points redeemable against travel, leisure and retail offers.

News source: Precision Marketing (UK)