Using Outdoor to Find the 'Moment when they Might'

During the 1990s outdoor doubled its share of UK display advertising from 4% to 8%. Some factors behind this growth were unplanned but much was due to marketing, selling and investment.

Using Outdoor to Find the 'Moment When They Might'

Ann JonasMaiden

During the 1990s, outdoor doubled its share of UK display advertising from 4% to 8%. Some factors behind this phenomenal growth, such as demographic, social and mixedmedia trends were unplanned, but much was deliberate and directly attributable to the marketing and selling of the medium, together with huge investment in better physical product.

The net effect of these changes is that outdoor is moving up the media foodchain. Even so, the perception of the medium for many is still firmly rooted in the broadcast aspect that it offers....

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