[CMO emo guide column] (1): Cultivate "heartbeat preference", win today must win in the past

WARC and Wavemaker Weimai China jointly launched the "CMO Not Emo Guide" column. Through a series of manuscripts, it explores how brands can seize the best time for speeding when the market is moving slowly, and how marketers can make greater use of them. The key value and energy, what kind of forward-looking insights and thinking are needed to do this. This article discusses how it is not so easy to obtain growth, and how brands can create "preferences" to make consumers prioritize them.

After the economic slowdown and the decline of consumer wealth, front-line marketers began to have a personal experience: it is not so easy to obtain growth, the dividend of traffic has peaked, and new marketing methods have been tried, but what can be done The resulting returns are often unsatisfactory. Whether it is worth continuing to increase traffic to obtain traffic has become a question that brand managers need to seriously consider.

In times of economic slowdown, there is always one cry lingering in the minds of CMOs and marketers, that is: don't stop investing in brand communication. Keeping the...

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