Five waves of interviews, each with 1,000 respondents, has unveiled the UK’s ten best-recalled brands, reports market research firm Martin Hamblin GfK.

Heinz tops the charts in four of the five Brand*Check polls carried out since last September – only once being beaten (by Sony) in January. More than one in six Britons mentioned Heinz as one of five brands recalled unprompted and at random.

The nation’s Top Ten brands (percentage recall in parentheses) are …

1. Heinz (17%)
2. Sony (16%)
3. Kellogg’s (13%)
4. Persil (11%)
5. Tesco (11%)
6. Sainsbury’s ( 8%)
7. Hotpoint (8%)
8. Coca-Cola (7%)
9. Ford (7%)
10. Fairy (7%)

Observes the report’s author Julie McGuigan: “The biggest surprise is how many of the world’s best known brands did not even make it to the Top Twenty in any of our polls.

“Big American brands such as Pepsi, IBM, Disney and Starbucks, which are rated top global brands by Interbrand, the world’s leading brand consultancy, did not even manage to get 1% of mentions by the British public. Also missing were familiar British brands such as Virgin, British Airways, Mars and BP.”

Data sourced from: Martin Hamblin GfK; additional content by WARC staff