GENEVA: The Swiss-headquartered World Economic Forum on Thursday published its annual Global Competitiveness Report - a review of the competitive status of one hundred and thirty-one nations, between them accounting for over 98% of the world's gross domestic product.

Once again ruling the roost is the USA, which last year was relegated to sixth place, ceding its numero uno title to Switzerland.

In addition to the rankings, based on hard data from leading international sources, the report features results from the Executive Opinion Survey.

This reflects the perceptions of several thousand business leaders worldwide on topics related to national competitiveness.

The WEF describes itself as "impartial and not-for-profit", although few believe its purpose to be anything other than the advancement of multinational business. It also claims to have no partisan, political or national interests.

The Global Competitiveness Report provides users with a comprehensive dataset on a broad array of competitiveness indicators for almost all industrialized and developing economies.

The planet's ten most business-friendly nations in order of geniality are ...

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United States

Data sourced from multiple origins; additional content by WARC staff
