WASHINGTON: Around 8% of the US adult web population use Twitter, and just one quarter of this group do so each day, according to new research from Pew.

Given that some 74% of American adults are internet users, the study concludes that the US Twitter cohort amounts to around 6% of the nation's overall adult population.

Pew found that young adults, city-dwellers, African-Americans and people of Latin descent are more likely to use Twitter than other Americans.

Women and the college-educated also use the service more than the average US internet consumer.

"We asked about nine different types of content that Twitter users might post to the site, and found that Twitter users tend to comment on a relatively wide range of topics - the typical user posts four of the nine different types of tweets we asked about in our survey," report authors Aaron Smith and Lee Rainie wrote.

"Overall, observations related to users' personal or professional lives are the most popular types of updates, while location-based tweets and links to videos are the least commonly mentioned."

The Pew report also found just over seven in 10 users post updates related to their personal life, activities or interests, with 19% of them doing this at least once a day.

Meanwhile, around six in 10 post updates related to their work life, while 55% share links to news stories.

Data sourced from Pew Research; additional content by Warc staff