WARSAW: According to reports in Polish daily Gazeta Polska, the country's government is sending out an urgent message to one million of its citizens who have migrated to the UK.

Officials are said to be preparing a major advertising campaign in the British media to encourage Poles to come home, where their work skills are urgently needed.

Gazeta Polska claims full-page ads will be placed in UK newspapers, in response to complaints form domestic business leaders over a shortage of labour. 

In particular, Polish plumbers and builders – ubiquitous in the UK's middle class homes - are now hard to find for construction sites in their native land. 

In addition to press ads, the government is also launching a website offering information to potential returnees on the practicalities of settling back in Poland.

A handbook is also being put together, to be distributed in churches, embassies and other popular Polish meeting places overseas.

Data sourced from MediaGuardian.co.uk; additional content by WARC staff