LONDON: With just ten days to go until the start of the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, new research has revealed that 60% of British fans intend to share content online about the two-week event.

In addition, 43% of these sharers will do so on a daily basis and one-third of sharers say they will share more content than they would normally, Econsultancy reported.

These are some of the headline findings from marketing technology firm RadiumOne, which predicted that the forthcoming games will be a "sharing-fest" that savvy marketers can exploit by targeting relevant messages based on what content is shared online.

According to Craig Tuck, RadiumOne's UK Managing Director, world records will be heavily shared and this could benefit brands associated with timing or performance, who could hone their messages aimed at content sharers.

"The sharing-fest that is the Olympics is a goldmine for marketers to tap into consumer interest, particularly as the games are on a non-commercial TV channel," he said.

"Sharing content online indicates a strong degree of interest among those sharing plus the additional layer of people they identify as also being interested in that content," he added.

The analysis, based on 20m instances of Britons sharing online content relating to the official Olympic and Team GB partners, suggests the most popular Olympic content to be shared will be the sport or event fans are interested in (68% of sharers).

This is expected to be followed by world records (64%), news stories (61%) and pictures (59%), while video highlights will be shared by more than half (54%).

Interestingly, the report also discovered that nearly three-quarters (72%) of sharers intend to do so via "Dark Social" – or email and online chat platforms beyond measurement. Indeed, a quarter (24%) intend to share content only this way.

"The Dark Social audience are particularly valuable – being the trusted confidants' people share content 1-2-1 with, rather than via the blanket 'share with many' approach on social networks," said Tuck.

"The best way to unlock Dark Social is via sharing tools such as URL link shorteners and the sharing widgets around articles," he advised.

Data sourced from Econsultancy, RadiumOne; additional content by Warc staff