SAN FRANCISCO: The global number of consumers who use mobile apps 60 times or more per day has risen to 280 million, a new report has revealed.

According to mobile analytics firm Flurry, these "mobile addicts" would make up the fourth most populous country in the world if they were all brought together.

Based on analysis of the total population of smart devices Flurry measured between Q2 2014 to Q2 2015, this means the number of global mobile addicts has increased by 59% in just one year.

To put these findings into perspective, Flurry said it shows mobile addicts now outnumber the entire populations of Indonesia or Brazil and their number is just 42m shy of the total population of the USA.

"Regular users", or consumers who use apps between once and 16 times per day, increased by 25% from 784m to 985m over the year while "super users", who use apps between 16 and 60 times a day, grew 34% from 440m to 590m.

Apart from measuring such explosive growth in smart device usage, Flurry also examined what motivates those consumers it dubs mobile addicts.

Messaging and social apps are their clear favourites – mobile addicts use messaging apps 6.56 times more than the average mobile consumer.

Utilities and productivity app usage is high as well, indicating that mobile addicts are using their smart device as their sole computing device.

Not surprisingly, games, news, media and entertainment are popular apps, but the Flurry report authors said they were surprised to find that mobile addicts use finance apps 2.5 times more than the average mobile consumer.

This finding supports research by Bank of America, which has revealed that 48% of its customers are active banking app users.

Simon Khalaf, svp of publisher products at Flurry, said: "This is an astounding finding given that Bank of America's history dates back to 1904 and in just eight years almost 50% of its consumers changed banking habits."

Data sourced from Flurry; additional content by Warc staff