NEW YORK: Viewers are consuming television in new ways and have redefined the medium to mean "content on their own terms", according to a new report.

For its TV RE[DEFINED] study, Viacom International Media Networks (VIMN) conducted in-depth video ethnographies with consumers, spoke to over 10,500 respondents aged 6-34 and looked at 26,866 of their viewing occasions across 14 countries , including Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, the Philippines, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Russia, Germany, the UK, Italy, Poland, Netherlands and Sweden.

It found that just over half (51%) of viewers were more interested in the 'when' of watching TV rather than the 'where' or 'how'.

It suggested that TV Everywhere was a misnomer and the industry should instead be talking about TV Right Now.

"In a short span of time, content has become available anytime and anywhere, opening up endless opportunities for viewing," said Christian Kurz, vp/Research, Insights and Reporting at VIMN.

And even as TV was being "rapidly and radically" redefined, more television was being consumed now than ever before thanks to the quality of the content.

"The ability to access content in multiple ways leads to higher engagement with television only if that content is compelling to viewers," the study said.

And compelling content makes for conversation topics, with 72% of respondents talking about TV shows they love more often than a few years ago.

Despite the proliferation of new channels, linear TV remains the way most viewers find that content, either by channel surfing, word of mouth or TV promos. Fully 71% go there first as it is seen as the reference point for finding and watching programs.

Other sources fulfil different needs, with DVR, channel site or app and a TV provider's VOD service offering an opportunity for "catch-up" while subscription VOD is ideal for "marathoning".

Viewers may also trial TV shows on free video sites, said VIMN, and if they like what they see will then move to other sources that offer a better user experience.

Data sourced from VIMN; additional content by Warc staff