When the pandemic and lockdown hit the UK, the research team at the Nationwide Building Society didn’t wait for a brief but began a diary project which is informing future strategy in several areas.

Why it matters

Beyond the obvious behavioural shifts – in shopping and streaming, for example – timely, category-specific research is necessary in order to understand how customer concerns are evolving in particular areas, and to devise appropriate brand responses.

  • Home: the needs of homeowners have changed as homes become multi-functional spaces. 
  • Savings: members are now thinking in terms of savings as a general safeguard rather than as being for a specific end.
  • The high street: more people are using digital options but there is still a desire for face-to-face contact in local branches. 

Key quote

“We’re getting insight to stakeholders before they realise they’ve got the need. That insight can go into the most early stage thinking” – Anthony Price, Associate Director, Join the Dots. 

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Sourced from WARC