GLOBAL: The United Nations has recognised November 21 as World Television Day since 1996 and the date coincides with the release of a new report, which claims to demonstrate the medium’s resilience and effectiveness for advertisers.

Published by the Global TV Group, an informal international alliance of trade bodies and TV broadcasters, the Global TV Deck is described as a new resource for advertisers.

It highlights data from 19 countries – across Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia and Latin America – and asserts that TV is the most trusted form of advertising.

For example, TV is “by far the most trusted form of advertising” in Canada, where 36% of adults cite TV as the most trustworthy advertising compared with 10% for internet advertising.

TV is also the medium most likely to trigger emotion, the report says, pointing to the UK, where 58% of viewers say TV is most likely to have ads that makes them feel emotional compared to just 9% on social media and 6% for newspapers.

And in terms of reach, the figures show that globally about 70% of people watch TV each day, 90% at least once a week and nearly everyone in a month.

In addition, TV accounts for 90% of the average viewer’s video time while millennials, who experiment more with other forms of video, still spend 73% of their total video time watching TV.

The report went on to say that advertisers invest in TV advertising “because it works”. Drawing on data from around the world, it said an average TV campaign in Australia achieves ROI of A$1.70 for every dollar spent.

In the US, disruptor brands such as Airbnb and Fitbit saw an immediate and significant lift in website visits after their first TV campaigns launched, according to the Global TV Deck figures.

Meanwhile, research from Germany has found that – when added to a radio, outdoor or magazine campaign – TV boosts ROI by +222%, +123% and +112% respectively.

“The meaningful insights gathered from 19 different countries around the globe provide us with a look beyond our own boundaries,” said Jean Mongeau, General Manager and Chief Revenue Officer at CBC & Radio-Canada Media Solutions.

“We’re thrilled that this first-time compilation of figures allows us to bridge the gap between markets, as the globalisation of our business is a reality now, and it confirms across generations and continents that the effectiveness of television is a worldwide reality.”

Sourced from Global TV Group; additional content by WARC staff