BEST OF 2017: As people shift between online and offline for both buying and browsing, it becomes more important than ever for marketers to understand their purchase journey, the ranking of WARC's most-read articles of 2017 suggests.

In The shopper of the future: How today’s young shoppers see tomorrow’s shopping experience, researcher GfK expected that physical stores will remain relevant but said retailers will need to focus on how they differentiate their offer. It was the top article on shopper marketing for the year.

In the luxury sector, differentiation is coming to mean more experiential and immersive. The second most-read article on the shopper, What we know about luxury shoppers reported that the very concept of luxury is in flux, as younger consumers move away from status symbols, towards more of a focus on demonstrating experience through culture.

A WARC webinar featuring directors from Geometry Global and MEC UK took third place. Shopper Marketing: Purchase Journeys, Behaviours and Pre-triggers, was a discussion of how brands should be communicating with consumers at key moments in the path to purchase.

There are always lessons to be learned from the world’s biggest e-commerce company – not Amazon but Alibaba. In How Alibaba uses big data to understand China’s shoppers, Director of Big Data and Technology, Danfeng Li, outlined how the company is putting its digital data at the disposal of offline retailers.

Lastly, Successful snacks and shopper insights: Reaching value creation strategies for value-destroying segments described consumer and shopper research that led to a successful portfolio reconfiguration of PepsiCo’s salty-snack multipacks in Colombia.

Sourced from WARC