Malcolm White

30 August 2018 The consequence of not having sufficient perspective is that it’s easy to start believing your own publicity, therefore, Malcolm White says, an agency’s most valuable strategic service to their clients is to put the client brief through a constructively sceptical filter.
05 July 2018 It has now come to the point that brands have started stretching storytelling too far, turning it from a good way of thinking about themselves into a bad way of trying to connect with consumers, says Malcolm White.
30 May 2018 Aesop’s Fables have become embedded in everyday conversation but, says Malcolm White, some of the tales can be used to help solve a number of today’s business, marketing and communications problems, and offers some examples of how they apply.
01 May 2018 With a growing negativity towards strategy, is it time to take the strategic debate in a different direction, asks Malcolm White? He thinks strategy can be looked at in an entirely different way and offers a formula to do this.
04 April 2018 If words reflect their cultures, then Malcolm White suggests, we need some new words to reflect the reality of the current marketing communications culture. It is time to rename the chemistry meeting.
07 March 2018 In the creative communications industry, it feels vital to find exactly the right words but, Malcolm White asks, why not use malapropisms as a resource to define a brand’s essence and values?
31 January 2018 Malcolm White believes that marketing communications should strive to be useful, rather than entertaining, which could also have the knock-on effect of making what marketers and communicators do be regarded as more useful, and maybe more valuable, too.
04 January 2018 The eponymous Venn diagram should not be seen as a mere PowerPoint decoration but, Malcolm White explains, can and should be used as a creative thinking tool to unlock potential or seize opportunities.
30 November 2017 Malcolm White argues  that the diminishing respect being afforded the advertising industry by clients has led it to develop a form of 'impostor syndrome'.
31 October 2017 Like the Zeppelins of old, many of today’s technologies fit a ‘pathological’ profile, argues Malcolm White, and more of us need to take control of the way we use our tech, instead of being used by it.
03 October 2017 When it comes to addressing the work-life balance, Malcolm White believes advertising should take a leaf out of William Morris’s book and find ways to make work more satisfying, instead of just encouraging people to work more flexibly.
28 August 2017 Malcolm White discovers the truth about a legend of broadcasting history, and finds that the only hysteria caused by the 1938 broadcast of ‘The War of the Worlds’ was the one cooked about by a competing medium - newspapers.
13 July 2017 Malcolm White wonders how more communication went from being the force for good that would bring humanity together, to being something altogether more divisive.
29 May 2017 Malcolm White wonders if marketing's love affair with crowdsourcing is creating a fake news problem for commercial creativity. He looks back 600 years to a lesser known work of Chaucer for guidance.
01 May 2017 Long ago, I had an interview in New York with a well-known advertising agency. In the last of a round of interviews, the head of human resources used a phrase that I've heard with increasing frequency over the intervening years. She said: "Malcolm," (for that is I), "we try to make sure that we employ more Radiators than Drains."
23 September 2016 OK, that's not strictly true. Actually, it's not true at all. But it made you want to read on, didn't it? Or perhaps not?
07 July 2016 If I were to suggest that almost every conversation you have about brands is influenced by the thinking of a Viennese psychologist, you'd probably think I was talking about Sigmund Freud. You'd be almost right, but not quite. Actually, I'm referring to the man who was sometimes known as the 'Sigmund Freud of the supermarket age' - a certain Ernest Dichter.
17 May 2016 I've just come out of a dispiriting advertising research briefing and I wish I could time-travel back to 1974. The briefing was dispiriting because we're in danger of testing an early-stage, pre-production, TV advertising execution with qualitative research when we should be using the research to understand how the execution works in the hearts and minds of our target audience, and to provide objective feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of that execution. This research should be an aid to decision making, not act as judge and jury, handing down a 'Go/No Go' verdict. It's this idea of 'testing' that is so dangerous. And I've said all this.
12 April 2016 Malcolm White looks back ... at Rosser Reeves' legacy, not just his fallacy.