LONDON/BRUSSELS: TV advertisers can identify the most relevant aspects of campaign impact and work more closely with media and creative agencies to improve effectiveness by using an ad impact model, according to an industry figure.

Writing in the current issue of Admap, Sofie Rutgeerts, head of advertising research at Belgian media company Medialaan, explains a model that outlines the influencing factors for TV ad impact – 'impact' is defined as the number of people who recognise a campaign and attribute it to the right brand.

This is based on knowledge accumulated during 20 years of impact research and a detailed description (such as brand screen time, position of brand logo, use of humour) and corresponding impact measures for a selection of campaigns.

"The ad's creative and your media planning are the two most important elements influencing your campaign's impact," she says. This is reassuring for both advertisers and those working in media or creative agencies: "You have immediate influence on the campaign's impact."

She offers four practical steps that marketers should consider in order to generate greater impact with a TV campaign, starting with a combination of identification and distinction in the creative that ensures the brand is put first.

Identification refers to the signposts of an ad – scene, stars, characters, voices, music, colour use – that enable viewers to classify the ad. Distinctive elements – which make the ad unique, create contrast with competitors and highlight a brand's USP – help the viewer to remember the ad after having seen it.

The balance between these two elements will vary depending on brand awareness and sector. Brand launches, for example, require a greater emphasis on identification, while in a crowded market "it is essential to focus extensively on distinction".

Media planning now enters the frame, and while many media plans aim for 70–79% reach, Rutgeerts notes that campaigns with a reach of 80% or more increase impact by 6%.

And for new brands and campaigns, she adds: "It proves advantageous to invest in opportunity to see [OTS] and sufficient ad length." For example, if the OTS increases by one unit, an ad receives 24% more recognition.

"The beauty of this model is the integration of all important elements that influence impact as well as the identification of the interplay between them," Rutgeerts concludes.

Data sourced from Admap