NEW YORK: Some 90% of mothers who use the internet in the US access social media on a regular basis, a higher rate than the national average.

A study undertaken for BabyCenter, the online parenting resource, revealed that mothers aged between 18 and 34 overindex in their use of all of the leading social media platforms.

In particular, they spent far more time on Facebook, with the report calculating they were on the site for 260% longer than the average user.

Among the other main platforms, the greatest difference between moms and the general population was evident on YouTube, where 77% of the former were users compared to 61% of the latter.

Instagram also recorded a significant 12 point difference, with 27% of moms using the mobile picture-sharing service, compared to just 15% of all internet users.

Smaller gaps were seen for Twitter, which had 25% of mothers using it against 19% of the wider populace, and at Pinterest, where the comparable figures were 24% and 15%.

Google+ saw the smallest divide, at 20% for mothers and 17% for other users.

Figures from eMarketer indicate that 28m mothers currently use social networks at least once a month, a number that is expected to reach 30m by 2017.

The main reasons for mothers joining in social media, BabyCenter found, were to connect with other moms, friends and family, to discover information, to share family milestones and to get advice.

Stephanie Azzarone, president of Child's Play Communications, a marketing firm, observed: "With moms, the need for companies to have an engaging social media presence is a given."

Azzarone also noted an earlier BabyCenter study that found 52% of moms had ten or more apps on their phone and one-quarter of those were for their children.

"Clearly, brands have to pay attention to their mobile presence," she added.

Data sourced from eMarketer, The Holmes Report; additional content by Warc staff