SYDNEY: Canon, the camera brand, overhauled its brand experience by refocusing on creative inspiration and community, a senior marketer at the brand has revealed.

Nina Spinnari, Head of Digital for Canon Australia, outlined the approach at the Socialbakers conference in Bali, Indonesia, where she observed that the brand had been so focused on the first half of the purchase funnel that it had neglected longer-term engagement.

"That was the first thing we looked at," she said: "really engaging people in the first part of the experience to develop that love, develop the skills, and experience that personal development and evolution," she said. (For more details, read Warc's exclusive report: Canon Australia's Instagram love story.

"What's the impetus of inspiration that we can get people to do more and surprise themselves?" Spinnari asked. "Not only do we create campaigns and activities that think about that, but we also make sure that we utilise our (brand) ambassadors and masters – deeply involving them in the content making process."

She also emphasised the importance of creating a community around a creative brand: "Having a community is a really important part. Inherent and intrinsic in our brand and the way that we talk to consumers is, 'It's not about me. It's all about you'."

With so many photographers making use of Instagram to share professional-quality images and build their own creative communities, the platform was a natural fit for Canon. The brand now sees more than 8,000 engagements via the photo-sharing app every day in Australia.

"We've doubled our Instagram following in 12 months. We actually add around eight to ten thousand depending on the month of followers each month. That is 95% organic growth," said Spinnari.

"It's purely about celebrating photographers. Through that, there's community and engagement, a conversation that happens."

Data sourced from Warc