VENICE: Addressing the serried ranks of seekers after truth at the Venice Festival of Media this week, Nokia evp/general manager of multimedia Anssi Vanjoki opined that young people are now "digital natives" to whom technology is intuitive irrespective of the access device.

[Some attendees, whilst nodding their agreement, believe that statement should be qualified to read "well designed technology" – of which there is not an over-abundance.]

Continued the cellphone sage: "Context awareness will be added to mobile, and consumers will put a completely new value on advertising than they do today."

The disciples also heard from MySpace co-founder Brett Brewer, who hopes for a world where adland's love affair with online targeting is not subjected to privacy regulation.

"Relatively speaking, people are fine with anonymous cookie tracking and would prefer to see more targeted ads," he said.

Greg Nelson of MSN, meantime, consulted his crystal ball – or perhaps his sales targets – evangelizing digital advertising of the future that would see advertisers flocking to social media.

"You create content, which creates audiences," he rah-rahed.

“That audience online can interact, and becomes a community of their own. They then produce social media, which has thousands of variations. You can't predict what will happen in a social media environment."

Which, of course, is what many marketers find scary.

Data sourced from M&M Global; additional content by WARC staff