LONDON: Sweetness and light is not in abundance at at RTL Group's UK outpost, commercial channel Five, following the resignation of ceo Jane Lighting – who decamped after the appointment over her head as chairman of Dawn Airey (pictured).

Airey, former programming supremo during Five's early years, is currently ITV managing director of global content. 

Hard on the heels of her departed boss, Five's managing director of content Lisa Opie also spun through the rapidly-revolving door of the channel's departure lounge.

Amid the ritual exchange of hissed eulogies RTL ceo Gerhard Zeiler declared: "We have a great programme team and they have delivered good results during the first part of the year."

Opie for her part crooned: "I would like to wish Dawn all the best in her new role - and assure her that she will be inheriting a highly capable team of creative people."


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