LONDON: "Arise Sir Sergey and Sir Larry" might or might not be the words spoken by British monarch Queen Elizabeth II on 16 October when she and hubby Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh pop over the road from Buckingham Palace to eyeball the duo's ritzy new London HQ.

On the other hand, what's sauce for the goose of Sir William Gates, Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire, is also sauce for Google's  ganders Sergey Brin and Larry Page.

And although no-one will reveal (allegedly for security reasons) whether the water-walking dudes will be in attendance during the Royal visit, as the Spanish say"¿quién sabe?". 

Her Majesty, it seems, is well and truly wired. Two years ago at the age of eighty she began using a computer and regularly emails her grandchildren.

She is also said to be enthused by Google-owned YouTube's TheRoyalChannel, on which royalty (and bramble) fans can watch a 3-minute video on harvesting blackberries at the Queen's Sandringham Estate.

Gushes a palace press flunkey: "During her reign the Queen has always kept up to date with the latest technology. The visit to Google is another example and shows how willing she is to embrace new technology and change."

Data sourced from multiple origins; additional content by WARC staff