SAN FRANCISCO: Although US mobile users habitually access social network apps when they wake up, and entertainment apps before they go to bed, news and information apps secure the most loyalty, a new study has found.

Based on analysis of its audience in the US over a month, mobile ad platform Opera Mediaworks found most users have a variety of "first" and "last" apps each day.

The news and information app category was moderately behind entertainment, games and social media in terms of frequency of use in both the morning and evening, but it had the most consistent first and last app usage.

Despite coming fourth in the morning and evening, that suggests news and information apps secure the most loyalty among users. The category also had the smallest relative change in its audience size over the course of the day.

Sports apps, which were not used enough to be assigned a loyalty score in the report, nonetheless stood out as the only apps where the morning audience was larger than the one in the evening.

In addition to its examination of app usage and loyalty, Opera Mediaworks tracked traffic and advertising across its platform during the second quarter of 2015.

It found that entertainment apps have the largest audience and they display mostly premium banner ads from top brand advertisers and rich-media campaigns.

Even though social networking apps mostly display simple banner ads, the report found they have a slightly higher eCPM [effective cost per thousand impressions].

Gaming apps have the highest rate of eCPM of all the categories, largely because of its large volume of video ads, but gaming app users generate lower impression volumes.

Looking at traffic and revenue share by device, the report said Android maintained its lead over iOS, taking 47.6% of revenue and 63.7% of traffic.

However, although iOS secured just 21.7% of traffic, the platform still generated 47.2% of revenue. This was driven to a large extent by the iPad, which generated revenue of more than 4.4x its share of impressions.

Data sourced from Opera Mediaworks; additional content by Warc staff