LONDON: Fair Isle knitwear, smart metering and shower timers are among the sustainability trends predicted by The Futures Company for 2011.

The company's latest set of predictions suggested that consumers will combine a desire to save money with concerns over sustainability to adopt a wide variety of new green behaviours.

Cold weather and high energy prices will continue to play their part in stimulating a resurgence in the popularity of Fair Isle knitwear, a style of patterned clothing associated with a small Scottish island.

"That big sweater from mom's eccentric sister may be a welcome addition that actually gets worn this year," The Futures Company added.

Energy costs will also contribute to the popularity of smart meters - devices which allow householders to monitor energy consumption in real time - as well as shower timers, which cut off the water at a certain point.

According to the report, "smart devices will not only help save money and the planet but could also bring to an end years of arguments about time in the bathroom".

The report also predicts a growing interest in gadgets powered by the motion from everyday human activity.

Sustainability trends were also seen to be having an effect on the urban realm, with the trend for urban gardeners growing their own fruit trees continuing to expand.

"Local authorities will increasingly be encouraged to plant something that provides a resource to the local community," The Futures Company added.

"With a parallel push on healthier diets, a fruit tree in the backyard common area will catch on."

Data sourced from The Futures Company; additional content by Warc staff