LONDON: The latest Trends in Television report was released Tuesday by the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising - the body representing British advertising, media and marketing agencies.

It shows the first year-on-year increase in average daily viewing levels for some time, currently standing at 3.46 hours.

The report, which covers the April-June quarter, shows digital channels continuing to grow in penetration, patronage and share of viewing.

They recorded a substantial overall increase in viewing share to 36.4% - versus 34.6% in the preceding quarter.

Whilst this growth impacted negatively on the viewing ahare of all analogue channels, the percentage of total viewing across all commercial channels remained fairly constant at 61.6%.

The report also reveals that digital terrestrial TV remains the fastest growing platform, with 75% of all homes now having some form of digital reception.

Says IPA research director Lynne Robinson: "It is good to see signs of growth in overall television viewing levels.

"It is also good to see that the commercial sector is maintaining its viewing share as the balance of viewing between terrestrial and non terrestrial channels changes."

Data sourced from IPA (UK); additional content by WARC staff