NEW YORK: Adore Me, the digital-first challenger brand in the lingerie category, has seen success through moving beyond its roots and embracing traditional media such as television.

Morgan Hermand-Waiche, the Founder/CEO of Adore Me – which started trading in 2011, and sells everything from corsets to swimwear online – discussed this topic at VentureBeat's Marketing.FWD Summit 2016 in New York.

"It has been about a year and a half, we've been doing television, radio, billboards. And I would say the marketing mix is much better this way," he said. (For more, including further details of the brand's strategy, read Warc's exclusive report: Adore Me: selling lingerie with digital style.)

One of the main positives from boosting its outlay on television is the ability to truly capture the attention of consumers with strong creative.

"The big difference between television and digital is that TV enables you to really engage with the customer," said Hermand-Waiche.

"And if the creative is something really important online, it becomes vital on television. And you can see variations of literally six [or] seven times more engagement from a certain creative to another."

While Adore Me has seen benefits from tapping into TV, there are obstacles for a marketer which is used to the greater flexibility provided by digital.

"The difficulty is: it's much harder to produce ten different TV creative [executions] versus just A/B testing ten creatives on Facebook. So that's where the limit and judgement between data-driven A/B testing the way we like it comes in," said Hermand-Waiche.

And even as the television industry becomes more "data-driven" on the supply-side, Adore Me's chief executive observed that viewing habits are continuing to fragment.

"Television is a big word that covers so many different things: are you talking cable, mainstream, VOD?" he told the VentureBeat delegates.

"Even if I was to say I am going to spend, let's say, $4m this month on television, I would probably need to break it down between something north of 30 different channels or venues.

"And some are really efficient to measure; some are less [so]. And I think everyone, based on their brand, will have to see for themselves what works or not."

Data sourced from Warc